Friday, April 07, 2006

Farting is funny

I am going to toss myself out there today and admit something that women don't readily admit. I fart...yes, I do it, believe it or not. However, I don't feel the need to shout it from the rooftops, like my sweet and wonderful nephews. So one day, while babysitting, Aidan is on my lap happily staring at the box for "Mary Poppins" pointing at every character on the box asking me, in his 2 year old way, to tell him who they all are...Sam and Noah are just hanging around, watching Thomas (I think, though it's a good bet). We are having a very nice, quiet time...when I, very quietly, fart. I barely heard it .... but without missing a beat or looking up from the task at hand Aidan pokes me with his finger and says "tooooooot!" and keeps doing his thing. I sit in a stunned silence for about 10 seconds when I burst out laughing and ultimately break him from his trance....and he looks at me, chuckles and does it again, "toooooot" all the while poking me and laughing.


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